Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Kossovian man sentenced for war crimes
One man from kosovo was today sentenced for murder and torture to 13 years of prison. Its first sentence damaging Kosovo defenders, who during defending their land also made some war crimes. Haradim Balu was member of dissolved organisation UCK, which fighted Serbian republic for indeendence of kosovo from serbian republic.
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Part of Deutschland without power
But not due to terrorists attack, it is from nature. High voltage cables didnot survived snow and strong wind, and because of broken lins, more than 90000 people is without light, and maybe even heat. Lets hope, it will be ok soon, or they can have really big problems.
Monday, November 28, 2005
Process with Saddam Husain delayed. Again.
Once again was delayed process with saddam husain. Now to 5th december, to be found replacement for two defenders killed. It is strange, that former president is being now judged as terrorist.
Sunday, November 27, 2005
Earthquake in Iran
This also doesnot came from terrorists, but there are some dead (at least 10 people) and it is big disaster. In southern Iran was earthquake 6.1 (by richter scale) which destroyed some villages and died at least 10 people. Its epicenter was between port Bandar Abbas and isle called Queshm, on which lives 120 thousands of people.
Saturday, November 26, 2005
60 drowned in India
That is not terrorism, but i think still interresting. About 60 people drowned in india, in two bus accidents. Both were in state Tamilnad, first of them happend when bus driven onto bridge over river sanavali, and bridge broken. There were 75 people, 25 were rescued. Second happent in same state, when water undermined part of road, which than pluck under bus.
Friday, November 25, 2005
Secret CIA flights into Europe is continuing
Even after disclosure that those aircrafts transporting people to secret prisons where CIA tortures him, those flights stil lands in many european countries. Those flights are never signed CIA, they are from companies founded or controlled by them. And of course, euopean countries dont want this, but they dont have enough wevidence to forbid that.
Thursday, November 24, 2005
By French deputies problems started rap singers
First i have to say, i hate, really hate every music similar to rap and those who listening things like it deserve to die. Also singers who talking that dont deserve to be called human by me, but being blamed for that, their songs started violences in France? That seems me little much. But that is just said some of Fremch deputies, and they want arrest those singers for their songs. And, lately i met one blog you may find interresting, so look at: zamieszki-we-francji if you understand pollish. Really good.
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
US soldiers knew what they are doing
When they used thermobaric weapons in Iraq, because in 2000 were written article (for US army) where is described how those weapons works, and how Russians used then in Groznyj. Termobaric weapons are special things, which works (as is obvious from its name) with heat and pressure. They consists from cloud of explosive gas or powder, which is then burned. It creates huge shockwave and heat, which than kills people by burning them to death or smashing them. It is similar to effects of little nuke, but without gamma rays and fallout.
Monday, November 21, 2005
80 dead in Iraq
During weekend died in Iraq 80 people, including one British and six US soldiers. Most dead have made suicidal driver, which blown up funeral in Abu Sajda, near Bakuba. Next were two bombs in Bagdad. One US marine was killed when their patrol attacked in city Hadisa, and five of them in Bajadji.
Saturday, November 19, 2005
35 dead in Iraq
They were on funeral of one local sajchs and directly between those mourning exploded attacker with car filled by explosives. 35 of those people were killed, more than 50 were wounded. I say, this is real bad, because even those from mafia respects funerals like place of peace.
Iran have plans for nuke
Iran probably bought on black market blueprints of technology needed to enrich uranium. This is absolutely necessary for building their own nuke. For fact, that they have something to hide is speaking also that they thrown out OSN weapon inspectors from key places, which allowing to determine wheather or not they working on nuke.
Friday, November 18, 2005
Suicidal attackers killed 74 in Iraq
Nera border between Iraq and Iran, in city called Chanakin killed today morning suicidal bombers more than 70 people. Two mosquee were totally destroyed, believers praying inside injured or killed. Very bad.
Thursday, November 17, 2005
US and white phosphorus
United States officially admited, that they were using white phosphorus in Faludja as weapon against people. White phosphorus is substance highly poisonous, and also is self igniting when in contact with oxygen. In fact, it is much worse than to burn people by flamethrowers and it is highly prohibited by OSN. But by US, it is conventionaal weapon, they can use whenever they want..
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Us corrupted human rights
Many times. Some of those cases are already prooved, their deliquents punished, but there are much more causes when Us soldiers, The defenders of demokracy and freedom, tortured prisoners. Now is one big new complaint on them. Two Iraqi merchants were tortured when arrested by soldiers, and they were also severaly thrown into lions cage. Of course taken out before eaten, but it seems to me enough even to be thrown into it.
Monday, November 14, 2005
Terrorists in Australia want blow nuclear reactor
Terrorists arrested last week in Melbourne and Sydney want to blow up nuclear reactor in australian capital. If they succeed large part of city will be uninhabitable and probably thousands people will die. Together with those people policemen found much chemicals, weapons and even tapes with "Training course of Osama Sajch" incredible.
Saturday, November 12, 2005
France again
Although declaring curfew in night, violences in France still continues. Yes, it is on lower level than before, but tonight rebels burned about 500 cars, and about 200 pople were arrested. THose who believed that this situation will end shortly have this to be disappointment.
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
Suicide bomber in Bakuba
and US offensive in Husajba ended, that are todays news from region. Bomber killed 7 Iraqi policemen, and 9 person were wounded. Man went near police patrol, and than exploded. And total sum of US offensive is not impressive. 35000 men supported by massive bombing killed only 200, and as usual in that war, every dead person is counted as terrorist, so how namy real rebels they have? I would bet its about 100.
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
16 terrorists jailed
In one of largest operation in australian history were caught 16 persons who are suspected to making bombs for terrorists atacks in Australia. They build net similar to Al Qaeda, form which they probably gained inspiration. On action worked more than 400 ploicemen.
Monday, November 07, 2005
Overall problems
Violence in France is spreading more and more. Current sum is 1500 cars burned in single night, few burned buildings, two policemen shot from shotgun and heavilly wounded, but government still refuse to call for army.
Also American offensive in Iraq have problems. Soldiers have to fight house by house, street by street. And more than every second house if booby trap filled with explosives.
Also American offensive in Iraq have problems. Soldiers have to fight house by house, street by street. And more than every second house if booby trap filled with explosives.
Sunday, November 06, 2005
Tenth night in France
Tonight not only in Paris were problems, angry mobs were also in Strasbourg, Rennes, Avignon, Rouen, Roubaix, Lille, Lyon, Toulous and more. Huh, this seems to grow into regular war. Attackers provoked by police attitude to boys burned in transformer station were tonight really active. They burned almost 1300 cars and buses, together with many buildings (for example schools at Grigny, library at Toulouse). How this will end? lest wait, only time can show.
Saturday, November 05, 2005
More than 200 arrested in Paris
But it seems without effect, because by police report tonight were fired 754 cars, and violences spread prom Paris also to Rennes, Nantes, Strasbougr and Toulouse. Direct contacts between mobs and policemen were rare, but one policeman was wounded by thrown stone. (Huh, it seems to grow into something like war.. )
7 Killed in Pakistan
By general Saukat Sultan, leader of Pakistani army, There were killed last night 7 people in Northern Pakisktan. They (as said) were preparing some explosive to be used and are supposed to belong to organisation friendly to Al Qaeda.
Friday, November 04, 2005
Violences spread from Paris
To other cities in France. For example in Dijon vere burned about 30 cars. Totally were last night burned 519 cars, some people wounded, some were robbed, young people weree throwing burning bottles on schools and police stations. To be honest, i dont understand why they didnot declare state of emergency, i think that this mess cant be solved without this.
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
CIA detent terrorists in eastern Europe
Terrorists from Al-Quaeda are being held and interrogated in secret net of facilities in eastern europe written today The Washington Post, but due to request of government they didnot said in which country (countries) are those facilities. By WP those facilities are places abandoned by russians, and in countries where are they, only presidents know exact locations. It gives to CIA possibility to just left person dissapear, and to interrogate them by methods which are sctrictly prohibiting them basic human rights.
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
Violences continues around Paris
In paris suburb called Cichy-sous-Bois continued violent scenes. Twelve people vere caught and arrested when they burnet bins and cars. Police garage burned, also two police cars. Violences are spreading throught more paris suburbs, since two boys vere killed by elektricity, when they tried to hide from police in Transformer station.