Thursday, December 29, 2005


Explosion in Iraq

In Bagdad, capital of Iraq went suicidal bomber to entrance of ministry for internal things, and then blew himself up, together with 4 people, three of them policemen. Another 5 people were wounded. By witnesses man tried to enter areal of ministry in moment when because of leaving car was opened gate.

Tuesday, December 27, 2005


Interpol issued international arrest warrant for Zarkavi

Terrorist Abu Musa Zarkavi is now being officially wanted from Interpol. Arrest warrant was demanded by Tunisian, Zarkavi is there accused (being wanted) fro kidnapping and murder of two Tunisian diplomats. Zarkavi was being wnted already some time from USA, Jordan and Iraq, in Jordan, hw have two death sentences.

Monday, December 26, 2005


Christmas in peace

It seems that terrorists were sitting home during christmas, there were no expplosions, no suicidal bombers, no shooting. Only in Japan wind turned train from rail and in that injured many people, and on Discotheque in China burned 26 people to death. Just hope that this peace will reamin for some time. (even few days will be nice)

Saturday, December 24, 2005


Car filled with explosives found in Bethlehem

In Bethlehem found security forces car filled with explosives parked near one of famous sacred graves. Is is only few minutes away from palce where is believed Jesus Christ born. Security forces were doing check throught all city, because of awaited pilgrims, nobody wants them torn apart. They called pyrotechnics to disarm bomb.

Friday, December 23, 2005


Escape form jail in Miami

From Miami prison escaped Reynaldo Rapalo, which is accused from 7 rape in city. (wow, he as said raped women from 11 to 79 years.) Rapalo was catched day ago, because when jumping from prison roof he broken both legs. Ya, not terrorist act, but still cool.

Monday, December 19, 2005


Sharon have stroke

Israel prime minister Ariel Sharon has been attaked by stroke. He was immediatelly transferred into hospital, and been placed into intensive care. By news, he is better now, but such things want time to fully recover. Why am i giving this into connection with terrorists? probably because he is leader of land in middle of terrorists problem.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005


Swede catched in Prague accused from helping Al Qaeda

Swede which was arrested when traveling from Stockholt to Bejrut, when his plane landed in Prague is being to be accused from trying to set up terrorists camp in US state Oregon. Because their attempt failed and terrorists never trained there i dont know how americans can arrest him.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005


Elections in Iraq

Two days before elections was shot one of sunite leaders in Iraq. Muzhil Dulami talked to people, when driven car around and somebody shot him. Ya, that is really great way how to remove political oponents.

Monday, December 12, 2005


British firemen have to stop fighting fire

Oil terminal in London is now partially under control. Firemen extinguished some burning tanks with oil, but because of one containing unknown highly flamable potion substance which may explode they have to withdraw. Just hope that wont explode all tanks, that will be really bad.

Sunday, December 11, 2005


Explosion in London

It is proclaimed to be accident, but probability, that this view is only to calm people is high. To admit, that vawe of terror hit also british capital will be hard, but it is probable. Facts are: in London were 3 explosions, they harmed at least 39 people, some of them seriously.

Saturday, December 10, 2005


Poland will investigate

news that main US prison where were prisoned persons suspected from being terrorists was in polish country. They think that this question have to be closed, because is dangerous for polish nation. I am curious how this will end. Yes, those people are probably terrorists, but to prison them without any basic human rigts? It seems to me like Soviet Gulags.

Friday, December 09, 2005


Usa admitted that some prisoners dont have access to red cross

Usa today admitted, that to some of their prisoners was denied access to workers of international red cross organisation. It is sure from announcing that all persons prisoned on guantanamo will have access to red cross now. Yes, those people are accused to be terrorists, but this is one of basic human rights. Was denied only in WWII when germans were wiping out jews. For USA is good to act like them.

Thursday, December 08, 2005


Blown up bus in Bagdad, 30 dead

30 people died in Bagdad, where suicidal bomber blown up fully occupied bus when starting to city Nasirija. When this will finally end? There are killing Iraqi people between them, no foreigners, no occupational forces.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005


Suicidal bombers killed 40 in Bagdad

In Iraqi capital Bagdad were today two explosions, killing together at least 42 people and wounded about 75 more. there were bomb in cofee in academia, and than exploded suicidal bomber directly between students in class. Why they killing students? why not policemen or soldiers as before? dont know, suicidal bombers dont say much.

Sunday, December 04, 2005



Ricová podle tohoto listu zdůrazní, že je nutné, aby navzájem spolupracovala americká rozvědka s evropskými tajnými službami, má-li se zabránit budoucím teroristickým útokům, a bude požadovat, aby evropské vlády své občany lépe chránily.

Den po zveřejnění zprávy o existenci těchto věznic se vyjádřila organizace Human Rights Watch, že CIA dopravovala vězně z Afghánistánu do Polska a do Rumunska. Tyto země odmítly obvinění,že se na jejich území nacházejí věznice CIA.

Americká organizace na obranu lidských práv, American Civil Liberties Union, oznámila v pátek, že bude CIA v této věci žalovat, protože jde o porušování amerického i mezinárodního práva.

Tajný proces se nazývá "rendition" - a v jeho rámci dopravují výzvědné služby osoby, podezřívané z terorismu, mimo území USA, kde nespadají pod ochranu amerického práva. V pátek tvrdil mluvčí Bílého domu Scott McClennan, že USA neporušují lidská práva.

V sobotu vyšlo najevo, že Německo je nyní podezříváno, že umožňuje tajným letům CIA přistávat na jeho území. Podle listu Der Spiegel proletěla letadla CIA německým vzdušným prostorem nejméně 437x. Letadla CIA přistála v Berlíně, ve Frankfurtu a na americké vojenské základně v Německu v Ramsteinu.

Saturday, December 03, 2005


Kidnappers in Iraq

Announced (on tape send to Al Jazeera tv) that if prisoners from Iraqi prisons wont be set free until 8. th December, they will kill all 4 hostages they have. 4 workers from humanitary organisation Christian Peacemaker Team were kidnapped last wednesday in Baghdad by group called The Swords of Truth. They are proclaimed to be spies of ocupation forces.

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