Sunday, November 26, 2006


Cease fire on middle east

Israel and Palestine signed cease fire, immediatelly broken it. Just hour after agreement become active, palestinian armed rebels launched few rockets on Israel. They said it was because Israel didnt withdraw all their soldiers as promised. Israel dont want to take this as provocation, they said they think cease fire will continue. But after another attadk they are prepared to "Protect their civilians" which probably means to kill everybody who isnt jew.

Friday, November 24, 2006


Shia moslems burned 6 alive.

Day in bagdad started peacefully, people were burrying victims of yesterday's attacks, but than sunnite enclave were attacked. Shia fractionists went there, and burned there soem people alive. They caught 6 belivers leaving mosque, poured them by petroleum and ignited. All 6 dead. By AP agency, it is probably revenge for yesterday attack. Also from Tall Affar were reported violences, two suicidal assasins killed 22 and wounded 26 people. Really terrible. I dont want to imagine, how terrible must be to burn alive, and cant do anything with it. Probably one of worst deaths i know.

Thursday, November 23, 2006


144 died in Bagdad

In Bagdad shia quarter Sadr exploded today several bombs. Results are horrible, 144 dead people, 206 wounded. Worst sitation is in Djamila market, favourite target of sunnite rebels, which was in time of explosion full of people. This bomb exploded first, than after 15 minutes exploded another bombs on bus stations. And thats not all, after those was whole area targetted by mortar fire. It is worst attack in Bagdad ever. There was also attack on ministry of health, performed by three men armed with machine guns and grenades. Seems today was really hard day in Bagdad..

Sunday, November 12, 2006


35 recruits killed in Iraq

Two men went into recruitment center in western part of Bagdad. They wore explosives, and shotly after 8 am blown up self and at least 35 recruits around. They also wounded 58 people, some of them critically, so some will probably die later. Victims are young men working there on becoming policemen. Shortly after that was whole center targeted by mortar fire. Its surprizing what can some popple do to their neighbours. Iraqi prime minister appealed government to resign, because they cant end half year of violences.

Thursday, November 09, 2006


Who will rule in US?

It seems that republicans lost all what they can, because of supporting US agressions around world. People probably wants peace, and to live their lives, without risks that their son can be one day called to die in distant (and unknown) country. Defeat already cost US pretident one of his supporters, Donald Rumsfeld immediatelly resigned. But, will this all help immediatelly? I fear that Us will play their aggresive game until ends of mandate of their current president, ane he should rule there for next 2 years. BTW: John Kerry really didnt said it correctly, but he was right. Those who learn badly will end in Iraq, or another country like I, cause army will be their only chance for decent income.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006


Baas threaten that they will do big problems, if Saddam is executed

Former Iraqi leading party Baas threaten they will atack embasies and other important objects in Bagdad, if their leader Saddam Husain is executed. They declared using of all available possibilities to destroy all buildings which are embassy and residences of secret services under US dominance. Baas told, that current Iraqi government is ally of US, and they support unrest in Iraq to harvest in whole area. Hm, that could be really bad. I think if Saddam is executed that current problems in Iraq can geowth into regular civil war.

Sunday, November 05, 2006


Saddam should be hanged

Saddam Husain, former president of Iraqi was sentenced to death. And not even to be executed, but to be hanged, really dishonor. (I think, that in moment when sbdy is about to be executed it should be HIS will to say how, but "civilised" lands deny to prisoners even this right.) After Us forced Iraqi government to change judges, after somebody tried to discourage his defendants by murdering thwir colegues. After attacking innocent and indepentent land, US finally found somebody who sentenced their enemy to death. officially it is because of execution of people who tried to assasinate Saddam in Dudjail. Hm, if you in US try to kill president, what will happen? Security will shoot you, or at least you will be judged and got electric chair, so where is difference? It seems that somebody really need to get rid of local popular president.

Saturday, November 04, 2006


Violences around Bagdad

83 dead person, that is result of conflict between Suna and Shia Moslems in Bagdad. Both sides have their so called death squadrons, who usually kidnap person, and than muder them. There were all types of common violence. Bombs in car, mad shooters, kidnapped and killed persons. Where is that peace, promised by US, when they went to country?

Wednesday, November 01, 2006


Bundeswehr soldiers confesed they dishonored remains

Three Bundeswehr soldiers (deutsch army) confessed, that they in 2003 in Afghanistan defiled grave, took skulls from there, and then each other photographied themselves with them as victors over Afghani. They agreed they did that, and said they are sorry for such act. Bundeswehr suspect from such acts 20 soldiers, they are being investigated currently. Hmm, but how this will help to poor families with disgraced fathers? To leave that poor occupied country would be much better, tahn to help US in their aggresions around word.

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