Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Unrest in Hungary
128 people were wounded in Hungary. There are protests against current government since prime minister told people, that they are lying, and all signs promising raising gdp and overall economy are false and in fact whole Hungary is going to hell. Transit in Budapest collapsed, police had to destroy baricades with cars equipped by ploughshares normally used to removing snow, than used tear gas and rubber projectiles. Really cool, and this all can happend in relatively peacefull state. (Hm, but what was in France? And they are really civilised..)
Saturday, October 21, 2006
People against torturing
Even when prisoners are suspected to be terrorists, most people around world think they cnat be tortured. Its reaction on new US act, allowing their soldiers (or everybody in prison) to torture prisoners, to force them to talk. And what is needed to be marked as terrorist and tortured? Just when anybody say you can be suspected from preparing terrorist act. Incredible how can first free states around world now ingore human rights, international pacts etc.
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Tragedy in Rome
In subway in Rome happend accident today. Big one. Really big. Two trains crashed together, there is at least 100 wounded and one dead already found on place. By witnesses it happend this way: In station Piazza Vittorio Emmanuele stood one train, than second train rode in, and crashed that first from behind. Than pillar holding ceiling collapsed, and everything vent dark. Rescuers had to take out many wounded, frightened people. All in darkness, and blood spilled all around.
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Shooting at mosque
During evening worshipping went few armed men into mosque in Zehri, southeastern Pakistani, and shot there 5 praying men and locl imam. It is probably because of bloody revenge between local tribes. Those are mostly because of conflicts about land owners. There are common problems about whose cow eaten which grass etc. Many of them ends in bloody conflicts continuing for centuries.
Thursday, October 12, 2006
How many people died in Iraq
Since 2003 when Us soldiers invaded country it should be about 650 thousands. Incredible number? This number cames from newest statisthical study made by Dr. Gilberta Burnhams team, posted by prestige journal The Lancette. Teammembers were visiting randomly chosen Iraqi families, and asked what happend to their relatives during last years. So they count all deaths, not only those official. Many people dying from destroyed infrastructure, many wounded dies later from fack of madical care or medicine. Number 650 K seems too high, but if it were say only one half of this number, its still awesome. Most of those people were innocent civilians, who only want to be left alone. How many of their relatives is now between "rebels" waiting for revenge?