Friday, March 30, 2007


More than 100 died in explosions in Bagdad and Chalis

In Bagdad, in Saab quarter exploded 2 suicidal assasins on local amrketplace. It was in evening, so there was lot of people here. When those 2 cars blown up, at least 65 people died, and uncertain (but much more) number wounded. By witness there were two explosives filled cars, and when they blew up, some people were torn apart.

In Chalis, 80 kilometers northern from Bagdad exploded 4 different bombs. Near bank, Mosque, local checkpoint and near Courthouse. More than 100 people wounded there, and 50 died. Both those events are probably reaction on violence in Tel Affar, where died 85, and more than 200 wounded. Its incredible how much violence hides in such small country.

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