Friday, March 23, 2007


Terrorists news:

Taliban get his men out of prison, exchanging them for Italy journalist Daniel Mastrogiacomo (kidnapped at march 5th, together with interpreter and driver). Mastrogiacommo reported how armed kidnappers immediatelly executed his driver, as traitor.

In Somalia, fight continues. Despite hopes of peace activists, fight between government soldiers and armed rebels still continues. Every day there is few dead people, despite of repulsing Islamic judges league.

In Pakistan fought two radical moslem groups. Left at least 100 dead men in field. Fight started in moment, when local tribe leader signed pact with Pakistani army, and allowed them to disarm rebels.

North Korea break discusion about stopping their nuclear program. Reason is, that USA didnt freed blocked Korean money in Banco Delta Asia.

Us soldier Bryan Howard was sentenced to 27 months in jail, and to be kicked from army after that. What he done? He knew about plans of his fellow soldiers to rape and murder Iraqi girl, and let them go. And after all, he lied to superiors, that he knew nothing about it.

Columbian navy confiscated 6 tons of cocaine. Nice, but its estimated that in Columbia is each year produced about 600 tons of that shit, so they confiscated only 1% of year production.

Greande exploded say 50 meters from building, in which was chief of OSN. It happend when he met Iraqi president Nuri Maliki. Nobody harmed in explosion.

Two men arrested in Britain. Suspacted from being terrorists connected with atacks july 7th 2005, whem bombs exploded in subway and in bus.

And this all happend during 3 days. Seems that prophets of doom may be right, because its really too much violent acts together.

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